Self-Employed, since 2009 – Present. Partner in Private Company in Masters Courtyards Ceramic Studio in Tallinn since 2009 – Present. Making design, develop and deliver art pieces to clients according to specifications. Creating  sculptures in different materials and sizes. Graduated Masters degree in Estonian Academy of Arts in 2009.

“I like to play and that’s why my artworks are free off any conceptions. I start them without knowing how they will end up. I lose myself in the process, by letting go and acting as a medium I’m trying to set myself free from responsibility. There is no before nor after the process – there is only the moment and it’s endless energy.

TEKE Stuudios toimuvad Kauri tunnid

NELJAPÄEVAL Kell 15:30-17:00
LAUPÄEVAL kell 12:00-13:30

NELJAPÄEVAL Kell 18:00-20:00

Osalemiseks vajalik eelnev registreerumine, selleks kirjuta boheet@hotmail.ee või helista  +372 53 455 621